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Neighborhood Profile


Every neighborhood in St. Paul is unique in its own way, but also shares many things in common with the greater St. Paul community.  Summit Hill is no exception!

Here are some interesting facts about the Summit Hill neighborhood and its residents.



With 7,226 residents as of 2020, according to the US Census Bureau, we account for 2.3% of the overall St. Paul population. Summit Hill’s population mix is comparable to the city’s, but skews slightly older:


With 3,471 households, Summit Hill comprises 3.0% of the total number in St. Paul. Households are smaller in Summit Hill compared to St. Paul, averaging 1 member vs. 2.5 for the city as a whole.


Summit Hill residents are well-educated. For residents aged 25 and older, educational attainment shows that over two-thirds have college or graduate/professional degrees:


Summit Hill’s median household income of $88,231 (2022) is higher than St. Paul’s $69,919 (2022), and somewhat higher than Minnesota’s median household income of $84,313 (2022).

Housing and Density

Summit Hill’s 3,718 total housing units comprise 2.9% of those in St. Paul overall. The neighborhood is almost evenly split between renter- and owner-occupied housing, as is St. Paul as a whole:


Although Summit Hill is known for its magnificent historic homes, the proportion of single-family homes is surprisingly lower, at just one-third of all housing, both compared to multi-family housing within the neighborhood, and to St. Paul as a whole:


Not surprising, given its historic heritage, Summit Hill has older housing stock compared to St. Paul overall:


Summit Hill’s well-maintained, historic housing stock includes historic mansions as well as affordable apartment housing. The variety of housing types and historic architecture make the area a desirable part of town, attracting visitors and contributing to the City’s property tax base. According to the Ramsey County Assessor’s Office, Summit Hill property taxes (exclusive of assessments) accounted for 4.5% of the St. Paul total in 2016—almost double on a per capita basis:


With the City’s emphasis on creating greater density as a means to increase its property tax base, Summit Hill already has one of the highest levels of density in St. Paul at 8,541 people per square mile vs. 5,640 for the city as a whole—51% higher. Only three other neighborhoods have higher density—Summit-University (9,762), Frogtown Thomas/Dale (8,735) and Mac-Groveland (8,675).