Grand Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Please join us on Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 7 pm for the Summit Hill Association Board Meeting at the Linwood Recreation Center for a project overview by HunWen Westman, City of St. Paul Public Works.

What is happening?  The City of St. Paul will be making pedestrial safety improvements on Grand Avenue at the intersections between Hamline Avenue and Victoria Street.

When is it happening?  The street will be under construction during the summer and fall of 2018.

How will it impact you?  There will be traffic changes and road closures during construction.

How will it benefit you?  We are making the intersections safer.  We will construct curb extensions (bump outs) and upgrade traffic signals to make it easier for you to cross the street.

Curb extensions will be built at the intersections of Grand Avenue at Syndicate, Dunlap, Oxford, Chatsworth and Milton streets.  Curb extensions will reduce the width of Grand Avenue at these intersections from 54 feet to 38 feet.  This will reduce how far people must walk in the street and it will provide better sight lines between drivers on Grand Avenue and pedestrians on corners.

Parking?  No parking will be removed.  The curb extensions will be put in where it is already illegal to park.

Monica Haas