Linwood School Field Day and WaterStories Art Activity with Artist Annie Hejny

Thanks to a grant from the Capitol Region Watershed District, the Summit Hill Association (SHA) has partnered with the second-grade teachers and students at Linwood Monroe Arts Plus Lower School to bring community awareness about rain gardens to our neighbors.  Through its Environment and Beautification Committee, SHA purchased grow lights, seeds and supplies for the students so they could begin growing a variety of rain garden-hardy plants for the large rain garden at the Linwood Recreation Center on St. Clair Avenue. 

On Wednesday, May 23, the students will come to Linwood Recreation Center for a field day, when they will plant their seedlings in the rain garden and learn about rain gardens from a certified Water Steward.  They will learn about the “adopt a drain” program, and why it’s vital to our water system.  And, the students will also work with local artist Annie Hejny, who uses river water and sediment to create beautiful paintings, to create their own art with natural materials.  The students will have a picnic lunch, and have time to play at the playground. 

Then, on Wednesday, June 13 from 5:30 to 7 pm, Annie Hejny will present the final paintings from the Linwood Lower School Field Day at the WaterStories Art Activity in the Linwood Recreation Center. These paintings--made with the river/runoff water from the Field Day event--will be a visual and tactical summary of our Water Stewardship collaboration.  Refreshments will be provided, and all neighbors are welcome! 

Monica Haas