Want to make a difference in the Summit Hill neighborhood? Apply to serve on the SHA Board.

Applications are due by October 16.

The Summit Hill Association is an organization both for and of the residents and business owners of Summit Hill.  Our Board is made of up homeowners, renters and business owners throughout Summit Hill who want to become involved in activities throughout the neighborhood and make sure that all of our residents have a voice in issues that impact the entire community. 

The SHA Board is holding its election during the annual meeting on October 23.  Several members of the Board are standing for re-election, and we will also be voting new members onto the Board. That’s where you come in! Get involved and join your neighbors in keeping Summit Hill a vibrant place to live and work. 

Anyone wanting to apply for a position on our Board can get more information and apply online at SummitHillAssociation.org/become-a-board-member. Applications are due by 5:00pm, Wednesday, October 16. If you’d like more information on the requirements to become a board member, go to the webpage or contact Monica Haas at the SHA office at 612.222.1222.

Monica Haas