Neighborhood Meetings Scheduled to Discuss Recent Criminal Activity
Join your neighbors and the Summit Hill Association for a virtual community meeting with City and SPPD representatives regarding the recent criminal activity in the Summit Hill neighborhood
Two separate sessions will be held remotely. Links to both are below.
Tuesday, October 6, 12:00 noon
Thursday, October 15, 7:00pm
Confirmed participants are:
Rebecca Noecker, City Council Representative Ward 2
Steve Anderson, St. Paul Police Department Western District Senior Commander
Kent Cleveland, St. Paul Police Department Western District Patrol Commander
Ricardo Cervantes, DSI (Department of Safety & Inspections) Director
Travis Bistodeau, DSI Deputy Director
The office of the Ramsey County Attorney has also been invited to send a representative.
Questions for the participants should be submitted in advance to
Discussions will be moderated by Summit Hill resident Katie Bergstrom, Esq.
***THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 7:00pm***
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 7797 1991
Passcode: 674537
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+13126266799,,83577971991#,,,,,,0#,,674537# US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 835 7797 1991
Passcode: 674537
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***TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 12:00 noon***
Join Skype Meeting
Join by phone
(651) 267-3988,,48880127# (Saint Paul, MN) English (United States)
(651) 266-5758,,48880127# (Saint Paul, MN) English (United States)
(651) 266-5767,,48880127# (Saint Paul, MN) English (United States)
Conference ID: 48880127