"Let's Get Uncomfortable" Comes to Summit Hill Starting Oct. 25
Danger Boat Production's Let’s Get Uncomfortable series creates a facilitated group experiences to discuss racism and anti-racism, and to practice what we can do (right now, today) to develop ally-ship skills. Join your neighbors in these important discussions. Attend one or all three of these FREE sessions!
October 25—1.0 Let’s Get Uncomfortable: A Place to Start is a supportive, safe space to get people (particularly white people) to talk about racism and how we share the responsibility to work for change. Danger Boat's facilitators are trained improvisers who encourage an improv mindset through the skills of listening first, being curious and harnessing our imaginations.
November 1—1.5 Let’s Get Uncomfortable: Now 60% More Uncomfortable takes the conversation farther and pushes participants to confront their own biases and privileges, honestly. Having attended a previous “Let’s Get Uncomfortable” session is not required to sign up, but attendees should be prepared to talk openly about their own past shortcomings on race, reflect on the ways they benefit from a white-centered society, and what sacrifices or changes they are willing to make to address these issues.
November 8—2.0 Let’s Get Uncomfortable: How to Be a Better Ally is a training with tools to identify the racism participants see in their communities and to better understand the traits and tactics of a constructive ally, and to practice promoting safe environments for all.
Register now for any or all of these FREE discussions:
Additional events
Let’s Get Uncomfortable is one of a series of events organized by SHA’s Racial Dialogue & Action committee. Additional events include:
November 17 and November 23: Book Club, How to be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi. Click for details.
Renters’ & Landlords’ Forum (date TBD)
Jim Crow of the North screening & discussion (date TBD)
Mapping Prejudice training (date TBD)