Neighborhood Plan Kick-off Meeting Oct. 22
Oct. 22, 7:00pm via Zoom
Make your voice heard!
It is time for the Summit Hill District to develop a Neighborhood Plan that sets the overall direction for the area for the next 10 years. The Plan will include topics such as parks and green space, aesthetics, the Grand Ave. Mixed-Use Corridor, transportation, land use and housing. Whenever the city is making a day-to-day decision about our neighborhood—where to invest, whether to allow or deny a certain development—the neighborhood plan carries weight in that decision-making process.
Community engagement is essential to this process: It ensures that our plan is shaped by and reflects the views of everyone, not just a few loud voices. That in turn helps us build a neighborhood that we can all be proud of.
If you live, own property, work, worship, attend school, or spend time in Summit Hill, you are invited to join us as we discuss our shared vision for the Summit Hill neighborhood on October 22. ZOOM LINK BELOW.
Stay up-to-date with progress on the Neighborhood Plan throughout the process at our webpage
======ZOOM LINK======
Summit Hill Association Neighborhood Plan Kick Off Event
Time: Oct 22, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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